
Day 8: Failing Forward, Making Things and The Cold Side of The Pillow

Day 8 January 26th 2014

Because a heavy work schedule with market, I have not been updating this blog, but back on the gratitude wagon. Wahoo!

Three sources of gratitude and/or meditation: 

The cold side of the pillow– You know that feeling when you wake up slowly to the Saturday morning light only to turn on your other side and drift back to sleep? Those times when you might be fortunate enough to catch the cold side of the pillow. This is the top of the mountain, the pinnacle experience I can while sleeping.  In that moment, where my head touches the cool side of the cushion, I am in a cocoon of comfort where everything feels light.

While a bit of a side note, I am also a fan of the siesta. Is it the most efficient way to spend productive hours of the day? No. Is it insanely satisfying? Completely. Rachel, I support your pro-siesta platform.

Making things– the idea of creating is often much more difficult than it sounds, but making anything (writing a song, growing a harvest, rearing a child, building an organization, crafting a sculpture, welding a circuit board, okay I think you get it’s a pretty broad idea) is something to applauded. To make something new that has never existed before requires a vision paired with confidence and vulnerability. Rarely does the prototype preform the way you want it to the first time. Sometimes the toast gets burnt and sometimes the laser goes haywire.

Failing Forward– This is one of the most difficult things for me to appreciate because I simultaneously fear it and harbor a large amount of application for it. It is the means not the end.  Much like the Facebook relationship status, its complicated between me and failure. In a good light failure is one of the most thorough teachers. In the end will you remember your failures or the triumphs?  Did you know that Thomas Edison conducted over 1000 failed experiments? THE 1001st was the light bulb. Name one of the failed experiments without looking it up. Yeah I didn’t think so. If you don’t fail sometimes you’re not taking enough risk and in my mom’s sage advice “try to be right more than your wrong and you will be fine.” Here is Denzel Washington speech at UPenn about failure that inspired my gratitude for this idea. Cut to 8 min in to skip the jokes.

“If you want something you never had, you gotta do something you never did.”